Focus Areas: Health, Education, Shelter

About Us

What Drives Us

Our streets are filled with children, often begging for food, money or hawking wares in traffic. You may have noticed them on the streets during the school day and wondered about their education or lack thereof. If you have ever engaged with them up close, you would notice jaundiced eyes and a preference for food over money and may have questioned the state of their health. If you’ve gone further to converse with them, you may have learnt their stories- their lack of shelter and absent parents.



These were the experiences of our Founder, Godman Akinlabi, who often engaged in conversations with them and other underserved persons in his line of work, resulting in the birth of Pistis Empowerment Foundation, a non-profit, social enterprise vehicle, established to be a model provider of empowerment opportunities for the economically challenged in target communities.

Unique to us at Pistis Foundation is our focus on economically challenged individuals, because we recognize that even the previously empowered can fall into trying times and may temporarily be unable to meet some of their basic needs. Our interventions therefore focus on providing quality health care, education and shelter to those who require it at the time.  

Our Vision

To be a model provider of empowerment opportunities for the economically challenged in our target communities

Our Model

We aim to ensure that all our interventions are in line with our core values before proceeding. Sustainability and Partnerships are integral to all we do at Pistis Foundation.

In line with our value of humanity, we place ourselves in the shoes of our beneficiaries and try to provide opportunities that are suitable for our own use. This is evident in the choice of schools where our beneficiaries are placed, as well as the quality of health care service we provide at our outreaches.


We usually start all our programs with a pilot, unless where we are handheld by an experienced partner. The pilot allows us to trial the program, test its effectiveness in meeting our goals, before we scale to meet more needs.

Low Cost, High Volume, High Impact

We are mindful of the sacrifices made by our financial partners, so we are prudent with our use of resources. This is why we always test to see if we can achieve high impact for a great number of people at low cost. Interventions that do not pass this test are not embarked upon.

Our Core Values


Strong focus on sustained impact, results and lasting legacy


Displaying humanity, empathy and care always


Adjusting quickly to trends in our target communities


Proffering well researched and innovative solutions


Collaborating with organizations with shared ideologies